Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Company*Point of Contact* First Last Email* Phone*Fax1. LOAD REQUIREMENTSMeasurement CapacityQuantityType of Loading Static Fatigue Impact Capacity Overload Requirements: 150% without zero shift (standard) 300% without structural damage (standard) Other DescribeBridge Loading Configuration: Single-Axis Bi-Axial, Two Axes at 90° Apart (variable wrap angle) Redundant (dual) Bridge 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Indoor Outdor Submerged PressurepsiOperating Temperature° F3. SHEAVE PIN CONFIGURATION AND LAYOUTAe: Width of SheaveTol:Bc: Width of Clevis CheeksTol:Db: Diam. of Clevis/Sheave BoreTol:Dp: Diam. of Clevis PinTol:Ec: Width of ClevisTol:4. DESIGN FEATURESSpecify Connector Type Connector Permanently Attached Cable LengthSpecify Connector/Cable Location (1-5)Load DirectionStandard Sheave Load direction is into the keeper slot at 1/2 of the wrap angle. (see "Standard" load direction below.) Standard Other Describe5. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSPin Output: mv/V (standard) 4-20ma loop powered Other Describe6. SPECIAL / INSTRUMENTATION / CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTSPlease enter any pertinent information below: Δ