Custom Load Pins

Internally gaged Load Pins (invented by Strainsert, U.S. Patent No. 3,695,096) are designed to measure forces transmitted/supported through pin joints. Custom Load Pins allow direct, accurate, and repeatable measurements in pin joints from 1/4 diameter to over 10 diameter in almost every type of pin joint.

Strainsert offers standard Load Pin designs which exist for common applications (see our Load Pin overview page) which can be easily integrated into an application. The dual configuration is the typical one, but single or multiple configurations are also available.

Strainsert’s specialty, however, is the design and manufacture of custom load pins tailored for unique applications and installations.

Our load cell and load pin design expertise helps us guide the custom design process with the customer, identify key requirements, plan out design, manufacturing, and testing stages to meet them, and then ship the product to the customer for installation.

Strainsert developed the following tools for the development of custom designs evaluations. Our application engineers also stand ready to assist the customer in identifying the optimal solution for their application.

Load Pin Configurator

Convenient tool for Load Pin visualization. Quickly generate a Load Pin conceptual drawing.

Custom Load Pin Questionnaire

Comprehensive Q & A form for providing detailed Load Pin design requirements.

Since 1960, Strainsert combines design experience with a full cycle on-site manufacturing process to provide reliable, cost effective and fully configured custom load cell and load pin systems. Furthermore, Strainsert can offer tremendous design flexibility to accommodate both low / high measurement loads for a given pin diameter, custom loading geometries, different materials, high factors of safety, special finishes, fatigue designs, high pressure applications or other special requirements.

The Strainsert approach to custom design begins with a one-on-one consultation between our designers and the customer to ensure the best design is achieved. Strainsert quickly and efficiently develops a customer drawing that is provided to the customer for approval prior to manufacturing. This approach offers additional assurance to the customer that the Load Pin is designed to specification.

Load pins or load cells can be designed for extreme durability under even the most severe conditions, temperature variations, or working environments. These products have a wide range of applications, long operational life, and are currently used everywhere from common force measurement applications up to cutting-edge applications as the parachute tests for NASA and future generation Aerospace and Spacecraft applications. To inquire for additional information, please contact us.